Writing and things

TIL 2025.3.10

Today I learned

  • That I know enough about making API posts that I created one!
    • I’m working on a tool to update my Habitica To Do list with information generated by another tool.
    • I made a test POST call today! It worked!
  • Next I need to figure out how to do the harder part (maybe not that hard) of taking the data (in the form of a JSON object) and updating the info to match Habitica’s POST requirements. Maybe not so hard. That’s for tomorrow.
  • I hope this stuff is informational? I enjoy writing about it actually. This is more interesting than I though it would be!

TIL 2025.3.7

Today I learned

  • Motivation when trouble shooting is crap.
    • Seeing the same error over and over when you try new fixes is exhausting.
    • Seeing the same error is actually good too. At least there aren’t new errors.
  • My desk step up is not very comfortable for long term projects. Time to move some stuff around and make room.
  • Short note today. I spent a lot of time the last few days getting my silly bash script to run on a schedule. Like way too much time.

TIL 2025.3.3

Today I learned

  • That I can actually understand documentation when I read slowly.
    • I’ve had problems understanding what Apple Documentation is trying to say. It’s not that it’s written poorly, I just don’t understand exactly what it means.
    • Today I read through SwiftData docs and actually had an "OH! I know what that means" moment. AND (this feels big) was able to understand what the error messages were telling me in context!!
    • But wait there’s more: I resolved the errors! WHAT?! Yah. WITHOUT GOOGLING OR RELYING ON A TUTORIAL.
  • I also learned when working with @Model you have to initialize the object. I mean, yes, that sounds simple and Xcode will give you a warning. But not being a CS major, and understanding that still sometimes feels like a major milestone.
  • It helps to go back an relearn what a lot of CS majors might think of as "basic" information. I also have to remember that this, to a CS major, is the same as what makes up a scale to me (I was a music major in college).
    • It’s very easy for me to remember the anatomy of a major scale (whole, whole, half…ect). I started playing violin in the 3rd grade.
    • Remembering the difference between an object and the Class (in this case the model) is still a new fact that takes time to be solid.
  • I’m pretty conflicted about using LLMs and their clients still. But, I listened to a recent podcast about using tools to help make my own accommodations. Some of these tools were tools that had a LLM wrapper of some kind. So I felt less ikky about using a tool to ask it how to write a bash script to automate a task. Since bash scripting has a bit of a steep learning curve and I don’t have the energy to learn that (on top of everything else).
    • Nice bit here is I didn’t feel lost following the directions it gave.
      So that’s a LOT today. I want to publish this kind of "TIL" post, and I may restructure my blog to put these in a slightly different page. That’s for another day.


#automation #todayIlearned #til